Infographic: The Future Looks Bright for the Modern Vehicle

In the past, things like jet-powered cars zooming high above futuristic cities were a staple of science fiction. While people loved to imagine just what might be in store for the modern vehicle, most of the conjecture was considered to be for entertainment value only. One look at the advancements made by the cars of today proves that is not always the case. While flying vehicles might still be years away, unbelievable achievements are being made daily in the area of vehicle design and technology. Read up on the following technological advances for cars and see the infographic at the end of the post that visualizes the data.

Safety Features

While things like driving experience and reliability are important factors when deciding on what vehicle to buy, safety features are an equally important consideration. Things like vehicle alerts, cameras, and strategic airbag placement are becoming increasingly common in today's auto market, and it appears that these advances are just the beginning.

While interior airbags are mandatory these days, only recently have car makers begun to experiment with vehicles using external airbag systems. External airbags are intended to cushion the impact of vehicles involved in a crash, thereby increasing stopping power and lessening the chance of injury to passengers.

Another advancement in car safety comes in the form of biofibre. This material is far stronger and lighter than things like carbon or steel, which can have an effect on the outcome of a serious impact. Protecting passengers within the vehicle is crucial in case a crash occurs, and with a stronger body internal damage can be alleviated.


Vehicle communication is a new concept that would allow vehicles sharing the road to transport messages to each other. Vehicles may also be able to receive messages from things like traffic devices and signage, which would greatly improve a driver's ability to respond to unexpected road conditions. The idea is to create a smarter vehicle that can use things like traffic information, mapping, and even vehicle diagnostics to improve the overall driving experience.

Vehicle communication can have a drastic impact on everything from the number of accidents taking place to how much time is ultimately spent on the road. By allowing a vehicle to 'think' for itself, car manufacturers would take some of the guess work out of driving.

Device Integration

Mobile devices play such a large role in society that they are having an impact on what people expect from their vehicles. While all new vehicles offer the option of syncing up one's mobile device, future options may include things like saving driver preferences and receiving updates on diagnostic readings.

The way drivers interact with their dashboards may change as well. It's projected that cars in the future will utilize the windshield as sort of a virtual dashboard. In addition to the typical readings like miles per hour,  information such as speed, temperature, and other diagnostic readings will also be available. Other information, such as directions or traffic reports, can be included as well, creating a virtual command center for drivers.

The future of today's vehicle looks bright. Many of these updated features are well under way, while others are rapidly progressing to become a reality. By improving the driving experience, auto manufacturers hope to lessen commutes, increase comfort, and even save lives through innovative safety measures.

Cars Of The Future
Presented by IFA Auto

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