Google Drive vs SkyDrive vs Dropbox - Fight For The Space
Drive cloud doesn’t end up giving 5 GB of storage space to its users, and also delivers the freedom to perform a host of other activities that SkyDrive doesn’t offer. Nevertheless, micro-spanning Google Drive and its applications, one can witness that it has turned out to be another alternative to Drop-box. Well getting into the actual story, there is one thing for sure. Google got the pricing part worked out right, say, 25 GB at approx $5 per month, which is less than the $199 for Dropbox and $20 a year for SkyDrive.
Privacy issues
‘This is just another legal undertaking’—fine. But would you really go ahead and sign up this agreement? Well at least not me and thinking of my docs going public is definitely a quiver down the spine. Even if it were a blunder —if that’s the least they can come up with— what if the blunder is transformed to a nightmare? What if my pictures go public when I am trying to sync them with the Drive? Apparently, if you were to agree to this, you stand with the least possibility of a legal action in a case that is unlikely, transforming assumptions to reality.
There are too many “What ifs” to this drive at the moment and I am least impressed with it unlike Google+. Hope the kingpin of search engines is sure to fine-tune and refurbish the drive quickly.
Author Bio:
This guest post is written by Dennis. He is a technology enthusiast working for the company Web24 which offers a comprehensive Windows and Linux Dedicated servers product.
Google offers a fair enough 5 GB space, Dropbox has it worked out for 2 GB, and SkyDrive an astounding 7 GB to start with. Of course, existing MS customers who wish to download the new app get an additional 25 GB free. Now, with Dropbox, you can refer friends and earn a bit of additional storage space, which mounts up to 16 GB for every referral.
App compatibility
With the compatibility aspect worked out, Dropbox stands ahead the rest in the scenario of third party app integration and that’s one place where SkyDrive is outnumbered terribly. Microsoft-based dwellers find SkyDrive as handy alternative, however, it is apt to state that Google has pretty much studied its competitors and Google doc and Open office users are sure to find it ideal and equally good.
Amazon S3 also offers a relatively smooth experience and third party app integrates with ease; but that’s a discussion later. All that can be said is Google Drive is worthy to be counted on as one of the Dropbox alternatives, not to forget the fact that users can store up to 16TB of data.
Privacy issues
The privacy issue with Dropbox was a whistleblower, which is similar to Google Drive that states,
“Users content in Google Drive services: When users upload or submit content to Google’s Services, they give Google (along with those working for Google) a global licence to host, use, store, modify, reproduce, or even create works derived from the uploaded content (for instance, those emerging as a result of translations or adaptations or even other changes made by Google in par compatibility with their services), publish, communicate or publicly perform, or could even publicly display users’ content that has been uploaded.”This is unbelievable because Google has exactly duplicated the TOS of DropBox and it looks like a blatant clone tweaked out well to work out their plans.
‘This is just another legal undertaking’—fine. But would you really go ahead and sign up this agreement? Well at least not me and thinking of my docs going public is definitely a quiver down the spine. Even if it were a blunder —if that’s the least they can come up with— what if the blunder is transformed to a nightmare? What if my pictures go public when I am trying to sync them with the Drive? Apparently, if you were to agree to this, you stand with the least possibility of a legal action in a case that is unlikely, transforming assumptions to reality.
There are too many “What ifs” to this drive at the moment and I am least impressed with it unlike Google+. Hope the kingpin of search engines is sure to fine-tune and refurbish the drive quickly.
Author Bio:
This guest post is written by Dennis. He is a technology enthusiast working for the company Web24 which offers a comprehensive Windows and Linux Dedicated servers product.