Go Transcript Launches New Editing Tool to Ensure 100% Accuracy Rate
Transcription is the conversion of large amounts of recorded speech into a written or digital text document. It is often used by journalists, businesses, film and TV industry, academic institutions, as well as legal and medical professionals. Since its foundation in 2005, Go Transcript has worked only with human transcribers (freelancers) and currently boasts a correctness rate of 99 percent.
"A number of our clients cover specific topics and a number of their speakers may have strong accents that sometimes propose a challenge for our team of transcribers and editors," explained Go Transcript CEO, Peter Trebek. "If part of the transcription is intelligible, our team does not guess words – they simply tag them as '[inaudible 00:00:00]' or '[unintelligible 00:00:00].' Upon sending the transcription back to the client, the client will then be able to quickly fill in the gap by clicking on the tag, opening it, and then filling it in."
The beta-testers of the new editing tool have been very positive about the new feature saying it is also a great time-saving improvement to the service. Seeing a few words marked as 'inaudible' they typically know exactly what the speaker meant to say and finalize the transcription in just a few minutes, rather than spending time to clarify with the support staff.
Go Transcript is eager to launch the new feature. It believes it will make them an even more desirable service in comparison to automatic speech recognition (ASR) software powered transcription services, which currently test for a much higher error count in transcription precision, and perform much worse with poor recording quality.
SOURCE Go Transcript
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