Joy - The world’s first interactive photo album

Effortlessly curate and share your favorite photos with friends and family. The Joy Album makes your most cherished moments instantly viewable in gorgeous layouts.

The ultimate storytelling device

With a large 13.3” Full HD touch screen, Joy showcases your photos and videos the way they were meant to be enjoyed - in beautiful layouts that you can touch and feel.

Videos are worth a million words

Joy’s dynamic spreads combine photos next to moving videos, so you can share and experience your story like never before.

So easy, you already know how

Effortlessly create and privately share albums using the Joy app or a simple email. Invite your guests to share their party pics and everything is immediately viewable and organized on your Joy Album and theirs.

Spark conversation in your living room

With Joy's wireless charging stand, your memories are right at your fingertips. No ports, no wires, and no other distracting apps make this the best way to relive your moments and share your favorite smiles.

Tell stories in real time from your Joy Album to another through a voice call with screen share. Hear all the giggles even if you’re miles apart. Everyone’s on the same page, literally.

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