You Can Now Turn Your Instagram Posts Into A Coloring Book

Color Me Book is a company that lets you create your own custom coloring book made from your favorite Instagram photos.

“I personally love adult coloring books and have been using them for about a year now,” Cory Will, Creator of Color Me Book, told BuzzFeed. “I thought it would be awesome to upload photos and make my own personalized adult coloring book. I was shocked I couldn’t find it anywhere, so I reached out to a friend who runs a print shop in Los Angeles to see if he could make them for me. When I showed some friends, they wanted to order their own. So I decided to build a website to see what kind of response we would get.”

And it’s really easy. Just upload the photos you want, and BAM. It’s your own Insta-coloring book.

“The reaction so far has been incredible. We launched less than a week ago and have already received orders from the US, Australia, and the UK, bulk orders for events, and wholesale inquiries,” Founder Cory said.

You can personalize your own book for $25 You can also choose from the pre-made coloring books for $15.

Source  Color Me Book

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