5 Effective Ways to Stay Motivated At Work
It is a well known fact that a motivated employee is better performing, more driven, productive, enthusiastic, energetic and happier than his/her peers who are unmotivated. Such a motivated employee is indeed an asset to any organization and always sought after by employers. Motivation in itself has a positive spill-over effect on the whole team and often contagious. However, the harsh truth is that even a highly motivated employee requires a boost to regain his/her normal motivation level after an occasional slump.
Let us have a look at the five effective ways to stay motivated at work:
1. Setting goals and rewarding yourself
You need to understand that our brain is very goal oriented. Taking action without defining goals is synonymous to driving a car without a handle. It is important to break down big goals into smaller ones. Once you set your daily, monthly and yearly goals, you would find it difficult to procrastinate.
You should not forget to reward yourself once you achieve every single goal. These rewards acts as an incentive and sends a message to your unconscious mind that there are more rewards if further goals are achieved. This work-reward approach works great in keeping people motivated over extended periods of time.
2. Delegation of work
Do you end up doing work which is unproductive? You may seriously need to pay attention to those activities which are eating up your productive time. Such activities take you further away from your goals and are highly de-motivating. You can seek to delegate such activities to a new person who may find it as a challenge. This will also reduce your burden of work.
Do you end up doing work which is unproductive? You may seriously need to pay attention to those activities which are eating up your productive time. Such activities take you further away from your goals and are highly de-motivating. You can seek to delegate such activities to a new person who may find it as a challenge. This will also reduce your burden of work.
3. Importance of breaks
You might have heard of the old adage that 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'. The interesting aspect is that this applies not only to children but also on adults. It is impossible to stay motivated forever without taking regular breaks. Our brain is like an engine which needs to distress to revive its energy. You should plan out your holidays, events that you love, a night out with your friends etc. in advance. This also plays a crucial role in keeping you motivated as you would surely get your well earned leave after a certain time interval.
4. Adequate sleep
It is not uncommon for people to skip sleep or simply reduce the sleeping time to complete their office work. The problem lies with the fact that the work in itself starts looking monotonous and boring after a certain length of time. You might start complaining once the productivity starts falling. It is extremely difficult to pay attention to your work and provide a quality output when you are feeling sleepy. In such cases, motivation goes out of the window! Therefore, it is advised to get proper rest before working towards staying motivated at work.
5. Maintaining a positive mindset
A negative mindset saps your enthusiasm, slows you down and drains you of energy. You may choose to surround yourself with positive stimuli such as talking to inspiring people, reading motivational books, listening to motivational music and focussing on different positive aspects around you no matter how inconsequential or small. All these factors play a great role in keeping you motivated at work.
About the Author:
Damian is participating in the creation and execution of advanced marketing strategy for mine jobs in Queensland project. He is also a freelance writer and social media expert.