Uber debuts Uber Health

Uber debuts Uber Health, a B2B ride-hailing platform for healthcare that allows hospitals and clinics to assign rides for patients from a centralized dashboard

UBER: Whether it’s helping seniors regain their independence, providing newfound mobility to those living in underserved areas, or providing a safe alternative to drinking and driving, Uber has changed the way people live their lives in ways that were never expected.
Yet, still, there’s so much more that can be done. We’re unveiling a new service focused on an issue vital to all of us: health. Every year, 3.6 million Americans miss doctor appointments due to a lack of reliable transportation.* No-show rates are as high as 30% nationwide.** And while transportation barriers are common across the general population, these barriers are greatest for vulnerable populations, including patients with the highest burden of chronic disease.
Today, we’re introducing Uber Health as a way to partner with healthcare organizations to provide reliable, comfortable transportation for patients.

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