The rise of the gaming industry

The growth of online gaming has been remarkable in numerous years, to the extent that it is now part of everyday life for many people. There have been different reasons for this phenomenon, with three major ones listed below.

Increase in technology

Technology has played a major part in the rise in the number of users who now regularly take part in online gaming. Clearly, the explosion in internet usage has been a major reason for this – since the turn of the millennium, broadband and wireless internet connectivity use has skyrocketed.

Also, studies have shown that other areas of technology have also played a part. The affordability of developing products such as phone applications and making games of different genres has led to almost half of all adolescents spending two hours or more a day gaming.

This upsurge in popularity has meant that gaming companies are always looking to push the limits of available technology, and areas such as virtual reality are expected to become even more commonly used.

Greater variety for customers

As well as game programmers, consumers have also relished the opportunities that increased technology has afforded. Companies have used this thirst – and a bigger workforce with the requisite skills – to be able to make a larger range of games for customers.

One such company is Betway, which has created numerous games due to popular demand. They host an online casino that has numerous gaming favourites. This includes roulette, slot machines, blackjack and poker – all of which allow the playing of casino classics from the comfort of home. Their games can be found at

Betway has also created applications for both iphone and Android systems meaning that their online games are now available to an even bigger market, at a time when consumers like to be able to play whilst on the move.

Changes in regulation

Regulation and law changes have meant that the government is to make fast broadband a legal right in the UK. This shows how far technology has come in such a short space of time, where internet is now seen as much a right as water and electricity.

Specifically to online casinos and other betting activities, the 2005 Gambling Act has been another major part of the growth in online gaming. The act allowed for greater advertising on television and the radio whilst also stopping the number of strict regulations that were previously in place.

In 2015 the UK gaming industry was worth an estimated £4.2bn in consumer spend, and with the above mentioned technologies, increases in better value products and customer demand, that number is only likely to grow.

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